Introduction to the Undergraduate Programme:

Bachelor’s degree in architecture (B.Arch.) at RRSA under SETGOI will offer the students to avail A-1 quality knowledge of Architecture. RRSA also offers a global environment wherein the students will nurture their skills and pursue their careers beyond nation’s boundaries. RRSA leads its architectural education and methods by amalgamating aesthetical, design-led, practical areas of the field. RRSA’s mission is to upskill its students to develop built environment with respect to technology, urbanization, landscape and sustainability. B.Arch. programme in RRSA involves hands-on experiments through innovation and methodical researches. RRSA sets its goal to contribute to the overall growth of students so they can reach leading positions in both private architectural farms and public sectors.

At RRSA under SETGOI, students are enabled to investigate new models of planning and designs to construct new type of architectural responses related to industrial productions. Our graduates aim at using sustainable resources to reduce and recycle total energy consumption.

Who is the Programme for?

The programme is designed for those who are interested to make a career in-

Major Career Opportunities Higher Education Opportunities Alternative Career Options
  • Architectural firm
  • Start own consultation firm
  • Public sector
  • Software based design sector
  • Academic sector
  • Interior Design sector
  • Consultation & construction Sector
  • SetDesigner
  • Web pg/Blog/you tube channel Designer
  • Conservation & Heritage Preservation Sector
  • Construction Management Sector
  • In India, M. Arch./MCP./MTRP. Masters
    in Environmental Planning, Landscape Design,
    Construction management, Traffic Design & Planning
    mastersprogrammes from all IITs, IIESTs, NITs
    and other major universities

  • M.s programmes are offered by many prestigious global
    universities in all specializations of Architecture, Planning,
    Interior Design, Set Design, Landscape Design, Construction Management, etc.
  • Interior Design constructor
  • Turnkey project Constructor
  • Product Designer
  • Modular Design & Sales
  • Sales in Construction & Real Estate
  • Real Estate property management
  • Government and policy
  • Entrepreneurship

Architects can communicate effectively, manage others, think critically, perform analyses and generate creative solutions. The major and alternative career options are endless…

Curriculum Structure

B.Arch. in RRSA is a full time, five years, professional program comprising of ten semesters. The outline of the Learning Process through Five years is defined below:

  • In First year we start with the journey from ‘known’ to ‘not known’. Introduction to the language of Architecture starts.
  • In Second year Composite Function is introduced along with the idea of adapting to a defined module through modulation. Compositions are created.
  • In third year, Multiple Functions and Site Planning is introduced. The students get accustomed to Form - Deform – Reform.
  • In Fourth year Technology is added to Aesthetics and Function introduced previously. The scale becomes bigger, from buildings the move into to Urban Forms and Redevelopment projects. Details emerge as an important element in the process of learning.
  • In Final year evaluates the understanding and synthesizing the learning for last four years.

Major Facilities

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STUDIOs are the soul of Architecture. We have beautiful studios for the students with proper venti......


STUDIOs are the soul of Architecture. We have beautiful studios for the students with proper ventilation and lighting for various activities from dreaming to drawing to jury.
GRAFFITI BY STUDENTS: The studios become a part of their learning and interaction. The studios become their space where they interact in all possiblemanners with the space.

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STUDIOs are the soul of Architecture. We have beautiful studios for the students with proper ventilation and lighting for various activities from dreaming to drawing to jury.
GRAFFITI BY STUDENTS: The studios become a part of their learning and interaction. The studios become their space where they interact in all possiblemanners with the space.

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Art Gallery

Where Students can enhance and practice their inner artistic sense. It will help them to develop....

Art Gallery

Where Students can enhance and practice their inner artistic sense. It will help them to develop their esthetic ideas in this field.

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Art Gallery

Where Students can enhance and practice their inner artistic sense. It will help them to develop their esthetic ideas in this field.

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Model Making Room

Here Students develop their 3-dimensional ideas and views for their designs...

Model Making Room

Here Students develop their 3-dimensional ideas and views for their designs.

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Model Making Room

Here Students develop their 3-dimensional ideas and views for their designs.

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Theory Classes and Projection Room

ARCHITECTURE is not only about Drawing. For Theory Classes, we have another set......

Theory Classes and Projection Room

ARCHITECTURE is not only about Drawing. For Theory Classes, we have another set of classrooms equipped with projectors and speakers.

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Theory Classes and Projection Room

ARCHITECTURE is not only about Drawing. For Theory Classes, we have another set of classrooms equipped with projectors and speakers.

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Well equipped workshops available for the students to learn modeling through woodwort......


Well equipped workshops available for the students to learn modeling through woodwork and metal work.

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Well equipped workshops available for the students to learn modeling through woodwork and metal work.


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Computer Laboratory

Well equipped and customized departmental Computer Workstation for students and faculties...........

Computer Laboratory

Well equipped and customized departmental Computer Workstation for students and faculties.


  • AutoCAD
  • Sketchup
  • 3D max
  • Revit
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Office
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Computer Laboratory

Well equipped and customized departmental Computer Workstation for students and faculties.


  • AutoCAD 2010
  • Sketchup
  • 3D max
  • Revit
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Office
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Climatology Laboratory

Weather Station on roof to measure, record and give hands on experience of the Local Climate....................

Climatology Laboratory

Weather Station on roof to measure, record and give hands on experience of the Local Climate. This station helps the students to understand the impact of weather elements on a building. Core subjects like Climatic Design and Climatology are made easy by the instruments in the Weather Station.


  • AutoCAD
  • Sketchup
  • 3D max
  • Revit
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Office
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Climatology Laboratory

Weather Station on roof to measure, record and give hands on experience of the Local Climate. This station helps the students to understand the impact of weather elements on a building. Core subjects like Climatic Design and Climatology are made easy by the instruments in the Weather Station.


  • AutoCAD 2010
  • Sketchup
  • 3D max
  • Revit
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Office
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Survey Laboratory

The surveying laboratory is equipped with the instruments & tools for measuring distance,vertical ........

Survey Laboratory

The surveying laboratory is equipped with the instruments & tools for measuring distance,vertical and horizontal angles,elevations etc ,that students use through out the surveying course.


  • AutoCAD
  • Sketchup
  • 3D max
  • Revit
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Office
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Survey Laboratory

The surveying laboratory is equipped with the instruments & tools for measuring distance,vertical and horizontal angles,elevations etc ,that students use through out the surveying course.


  • AutoCAD 2010
  • Sketchup
  • 3D max
  • Revit
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Office