Research In Computer Science & Engineering


We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our pursuit of academic excellence and innovation. Groundbreaking research articles from SETGOI have been published in prestigious journals, contributing to the ever-expanding realm of knowledge and demonstrating our commitment to pushing the boundaries of research.

  • Dr. Sankar Mukherjee

    Associate Professor & HOD, CSE

  • Research Domain: Sensor Network, IoT, Adhoc Network, 5G Network

  • Ongoing Project Title: Early Prediction of Emergency and Monitoring of Covid-19 patients using IoT

  • Bikram Kar

    Assistant Professor, CSE

  • Research Domain: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, Healthcare Analytics

  • Ongoing Project Title: Analysis of Machine Learning Based Classifiers for the Prediction of Breast Cancer

  • Dr. Amit Kumar

    Assistant Professor, CSE

  • Research Domain: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Soft Computing, Security

  • Ongoing Project Title: ACO_NB Based Hybrid Prediction Model for Medical Disease Diagnosis

  • Tamoghna Mandal

    Assistant Professor, CSE

  • Research Domain: Cyber Security, Blockchain, Cryptography, Numerical Methods & Data Analytics

  • Ongoing Project Title:

  • Avishek Dey

    Assistant Professor, CSE

  • Research Domain: Image Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future optimization and hybrid classification

  • Ongoing Project Title: Classifying Face features for better recognition and Detection

  • Tapas Pal

    Assistant Professor, CSE

  • Research Domain: Computer Tomo-
    graphy(CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI), Supervised Learning, Latent Vector

  • Ongoing Project Title: Converting Computer Tomography (CT) Image to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using Semi Supervised Learning


    Assistant Professor, CSE

  • Research Domain: SDN controller, Network topology, Programmable network, OpenFlow protocol

  • Ongoing Project Title: Backup and restoration system in software-defined network