It was founded in year 2008.
It is located at Malandighi, Durgapur.
It is near about 14 kms. from Durgapur station.
Please refer to the Campus Map in our Website.
Please refer to the Campus Map in our Website
All courses are duly approved / affiliated /
recognized by the applicable Govt. Authority:
Please refer to the Placement Section in our Website.
Yes, please see Scholarships Offered in our Website.
Yes, we have separate hostel facility for boys and girls.
No, it is not mandatory.
Yes, we have separate Hospital & Medical College in the same campus.
Yes, documents for Bank Loan are provided after securing the admission.
It is available from our website or can be obtained directly from the College Campus.
We suggest that the parents should attend / accompany with the student though it is not a mandatory requirement.
Yes, students from any part of India can take the admission through the Central Admission Process.
Yes. There is no upper age limit for taking admission.
Yes, provision is there and depends on the availability of seats on and before University Registration.
No, all courses offered at our College are regular